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Wings of Promise Disaster Relief, Kentucky

Updated: Oct 1, 2023

Flashback: Benton, Kentucky Disaster Relief 04/2022

The team from HEART including members from Camp Dellwater/Bemidji area, drove into Benton, KY where they met up with Skipper Sauls and his son Isaac from Texas. This team dedicated four long days to help fix a home for a family that had considerable damage from the tornados that hit during the month of December in 2021.

The beginning stages began with a muddy mess, hauling sand and rock in for the base, which is the foundation for building the home from the ground up. The framing was completed inside and out, installation of a roof, doors, windows, siding and in addition to this house, they framed in a shed. Several people came to their aid which included the pastor from Vanzora Missionary Baptist Church located southwest of Benton. The family of three, which includes dad, mom and a 12-year-old son, were met on the first day there. They could not understand why people from Minnesota and Texas would take their time and money to come help a stranger and his family. We told them we serve the Lord and love on people!

Over the five days we learned more about the family, their story and now understand why God sent us there. They needed us! During the trip we faced some difficulties which included the cold, rain, and even snow. As the construction was going on, the family stayed on-site in a trailer. One day this rough trailer leaked and got most of their belongings wet from the heavy rains.

We encouraged them best we could but mostly by showing them their new home. Can't say enough about how God always shows up! While our stay there came to an end where we needed to head back home to MN, another team was scheduled to come in and finish up where we left off. So many people are the hands and feet of Jesus!

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